Friday, 15 November 2013

Hey everyone, i know im a bit late but this year for Halloween i was a candy skull or a sugar skull. I love halloween! i think its the one day... or (week in my case ) haha that you can dress up and be who ever or what ever you want!
what i used for my look

1. white snazaroo face paint
2. 3 colour snazaroo paint kit
3. a face paint kit from the 2 euro shop
4. spooky white contact lenses
5. nail art glitter from "new look"
6. translucent powder
7. any pink blush
8. any purple eye-shadow
9. liquid eye liner
10. mascara
11. pink lip liner
12. face primer


before i started my make up i put in my contact lenses.... freaky

1. i primed my face for a longer lasting affect
2. applied the dampened white face paint on with a foundation brush then set with translucent powder
3. started contouring my face with the pink blush and purple eye shawdow

4. i drew a circle around my eye with the pink lip liner then filled in with purple face paint
5. then i drew pettles around the purple socket in the pink lip liner and filed in with pink paint
6. i then drew a line from the outside of my lip to the middle of my cheek for a creepy smile affect
7. then i put on pink lipstick
8. drew on some freaky teeth for a skull like affect

9.  i found the nose quite difficult... i drew a tear drop shape with a v shape on top... if that makes any sense
10. then i lined my eyes with eye liner to make my freaky white eyes pop
11. and finnished it off by putting a glitter cross of my fore head using eye lash glue and glitter

and voila the finnished look with my flower made by my self i will do a DIY during the week :)

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